Expert French Drain Contractor

Outdoor drainage solutions

French drain systems specialist

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Serving OKC and surrounding areas

Expert French Drain Contractor in Oklahoma City

Controlling water movement is essential to the long-term durability of buildings and landscapes. When you fail to manage runoff and groundwater properly, you can encounter all kinds of expensive and inconvenient problems. While things like gutters, ditches, and culverts certainly help, there are some situations where systems like French drains are necessary.

Read on to see how French drains can help at your home or business and who can install them. You can also call us immediately for any emergency situation. We understand how important it is to fixing any and all water damage. 

Why Are French Drains Necessary?

Much of the runoff from rain and melting snow moves on top of the ground and follows the soil's contour away from buildings. However, a considerable amount of water also soaks into the ground. If it cannot drain away from foundations and footers, it can damage structures. If it drains too slowly from your yard, you'll have wet areas full of mud and weeds. French drains correct this issue.

How Do French Drains Work?

Exterior French drains utilized slotted plastic lines buried in gravel to allow fast movement of water out of the soil and toward an appropriate discharge point like a stream or storm sewer. This process prevents soils from becoming waterlogged, reducing the risk of damage to structures and landscapes. Interior French drains work in a similar way, but they capture water that has already entered the structure and direct it toward a sump pump or other drainage system.

How Do I Know I Need a French Drain?

There are many signs of water problems inside and outside a structure that make it helpful to install an exterior French drain or its interior counterpart. Each of them can damage the structure and landscaping, and they can even present health risks to humans. The most common signs of water problems include:

  • Musty odors in basements and crawlspaces
  • Discoloration of surfaces
  • Seeping water during rainy weather
  • Wet areas in lawns that don't go away
  • Growth of mold and mildew indoors
  • High humidity inside the structure
  • Cracks in foundations
  • Settling of the structure

Whether these signs are present or not, the absence of any type of drainage system is reason enough to look into adding a French drain. A qualified contractor can tell you whether French drain installation, a lawn drainage solution, or a basement drainage solution could be beneficial for you.

The Benefits of French Drains

When you have a drainage issue, water is doing damage to your home and landscape around the clock. The worry and expense associated with that drainage problem is a strain on your time and resources. Property owners who add drainage systems to their homes and businesses find several important benefits.

1. They can pay for themselves.

Until you address your drainage problems, you may not realize how much you are spending on running dehumidifiers, cleaning and deodorizing your basement, and repairing water damage. You may also have to spend money working on your lawn, trees, and shrubs because of the wet soils they are growing in. The investment of the modest 
French drain cost can pay for itself in savings like these as well as in the increased value of your property.

2. They require minimal maintenance.

French drains will operate for many years with no upkeep, but as they slowly clog with a little bit of sediment each year, it is easy to clear them out with drain snakes or pressure washers, quickly restoring normal function again. Heavy maintenance by a contractor is needed from time to time as well, but it's easy to do day-to-day upkeep yourself and delay the need for more complicated work.

3. They do several jobs at once.

The installation of one 
French drain can simultaneously dry your basement, eliminate muddy soils, and end structural damage. In addition, the elimination of excess moisture could also help reduce your risk of a termite infestation. The dry air inside your home or business will be less irritating to persons with asthma or allergies, so French drains can actually improve your family's health.

4. Installation is quick and simple.

A qualified contractor can set up your lawn drainage solution or basement drainage system quickly and with a minimum of disruption to your family or business. The rewards will start to accumulate with the very first rain, making French drain installation one of the most satisfying projects you'll ever do.

Why Use a Professional?

The basic design of an exterior 
French drain seems easy enough. It appears to be little more than a trench, some corrugated plastic line, and some gravel. With such a straightforward concept, your first thought may be to try to install a yard drain or basement drainage system yourself. Of course, this kind of project is never as simple as it sounds. There are several reasons why it isn't practical to build your own French drains.

1. Constructing drainage systems is dangerous

There are many hazards you can encounter while installing French drains. The trench can collapse, potentially injuring workers. Buried utilities like gas and electric lines can be hit with tools and equipment. You might also have to move porches or sidewalks, increasing the danger.

2. Design is difficult

The goal of your yard drain or other drainage system is to carry water away. If the line does not discharge properly, it could accumulate in a new area and cause the same problems in a different place. The line must be properly sloped and end in an area where the water is completely taken away from the drained area. Only an experienced contractor will be able to design the system in a way that makes this possible.

3. Installation is harder than it looks

While the basic idea of French drains is fairly simple, it's not that easy in practice. It requires excavation near buildings, which can quickly lead to damage if an inexperienced person is operating the equipment. The line must be covered carefully to keep it from collapsing. Finally, the entire line must be properly sloped or it will not drain properly.

4. Insurance is necessary

If you rent an excavator and accident damage your home, you're paying the bill. If you injure yourself or a helper, you're paying the bill. A qualified contractor will have insurance that covers these and other expenses so that you have no worries about the what-ifs of your job. Best of all, your contractor's experience will make such accidents much less unlikely.

5. Building codes matter

In certain areas, property owners are subject to very little regulation. However, in large cities like Oklahoma City, there are permits and codes that must be taken into consideration. For you, the process will be time-consuming, confusing, and expensive--and even then you may make a mistake that leads to fines or a stop-work order. For an experienced contractor, it's a familiar process that can be handled quickly and correctly the first time.

6. It's not done when it's done

New French drains will not require much attention beyond what you can do yourself. In time, though, the system will require heavy maintenance that can only be done by a qualified contractor. Proper removal of sediment and investigation of other problems requires the tools, knowledge, and experience of a contractor.

​​Why We're The Right Choice for Your Drainage Needs

The one factor that sets us apart from other contractors is specialization. Many companies that do other excavating and drainage work will also install French drains, but it is not their primary line of work. We are in the business of installing French drains. It's what we do, and that's why we do it so well. We've worked through countless projects throughout the Oklahoma City area, encountering unique situations and finding effective ways to address them.

Most importantly, we know how to do business the right way.

  •  All of our contractors are fully licensed and insured, giving you peace of mind.
  • We have portfolios available to show you the solutions we've created for other customers.
  • We don't just sign a contract then abandon you. We're always available to answer your questions or update progress.
  • Our contractors can present you with options to help you make the best decision for your needs.
  • We have years of experience and a client base that can verify the quality of our work.
  • Our crews are professional, starting with your initial consultation and ending with cleanup when the job is done.
  • We are always careful and respectful of your property, lawn, and landscaping.
  • Our contractors provide a full, detailed write-up of the French drain cost so that you know exactly how much you're paying.
  • We have a top reputation thanks to our quality work, reliability, and top customer service.

The Simple Facts

Good drainage can solve all kinds of problems in your home or business. French drains are an effective solution to problems with standing water in lawns, leaky basements, mold and mildew, and even termites. If you have issues with water, don't wait to take action. The longer you wait, the more damage there is. Rely on our quality contractors to do the job right the first time so that you can have years of effective water control everywhere on your property. Check out our website to learn more about our drainage services, or just give us a call to discuss how we can get started on your project.

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